Fall Newsletter 2021

August 31, 2021

Election Results

During the August 2021 election, there was an excellent voter turnout with 241 votes cast. Your new council will be as follows;

  • Doug Francoeur - Mayor
  • Stuart Innes – Deputy Mayor
  • Lon Kasha – Councillor – Public Works

We look forward to working for the community.

Thank you to our Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officer for their work during the election period.

We would like to acknowledge Linda D’Angelo and Tim Casey for the hard work they both put in over the past 8 years. Thank you!


Web Site Update

Council will be seeking proposals to update the village website. We will be looking to make it easier to navigate, more informative and interactive. Watch for updates this winter.


Recreation Program

The Recreation Program was another great success with many kids attending. Thanks to the entire Rec Board for their hard work in making it happen.


Riparian Land Project

Last fall Oliver Ave was added to the properties that now have ownership of the riparian lands to the highwater mark at Centennial Trail. On behalf of the SVGL residents, Council would like to thank Chris Simard for his ongoing support work on this project.


Realignment of Beach Paths

Due to the riparian project, some of the historical beach paths now cross private property. The Village will be surveying and mulching new paths on realigned Village property where applicable.

Garbage Bylaw

We continue to see some problems with garbage and encourage everyone to check and follow the bylaw so that further action is not required.


Public Works

It has been a busy year for Public Works although it did slow down in August due to less grass cutting required.

Mulching of branches in the spring was appreciated by many. We hope to make this an annual spring project. Thanks to the volunteers who helped.


New Snowplow is on Order

In August, Council approved the purchase of a new snowplow for the front of the Village maintenance truck. This plow should significantly improve the level of service in snow removal and reduce the time required to plow the Village roads. Fee For Service:

  • Driveway Snow Removal $150.


New Fuel Tank

Council also approved the purchase of a new fuel tank to ensure we meet all fuel storage regulations.


Numbers To Note
  • SVGL Office……………..….(403) 748-2966
  • Hall Rentals…………………(403) 748-2966
  • Lacombe Hospital…………..(403) 782-3336
  • RCMP………………………..(403) 885-3300
  • Emergencies………………...911



Council would also like to recognize the wonderful community members we have that continue to volunteer to make events and programs work. Thank you to all the Volunteers!!

We look forward to seeing everyone at the Pancake Breakfast and Car Show on Sept. 5th

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